Posted 3/3/2010 7:22 PM (GMT -5)
Was diagnosed 25 years ago. I knew someday I might lose parts of my intestine, didn't plan on the total proctocolectomy and permanent ileostomy but am dealing . Knew my weight would go up and down and up and down and. . .. Knew I might not be able to have children. Knew the potential side effects of 6mp, prednisone, humira, and pentasa. Knew I was one of the lucky ones to have avoided surgery for 24 years. Was able to deal with rectovaginal fistulas. Knew there'd be family functions and dinners I'd need to miss and pretend I was just fine.
Didn't know I'd signed on for kidney failure, primary sclerosing cholangitis, anemia of crohnic disease, melanoma from a suppressed immune system, leukopenia, thrombocytis, malnourishment, malabsorption. . . didn't know I'd signed on for the anxiety and the strains on my marriage and my job.
how could I be so blind?
I should be thankful. I'm well. I'm miles better than I was just a month ago. My kidney functions are back to normal, the procrit is working, I'm gaining weight.
But the diagnosis of PSC was finalized today and it hit me hard. "goes along with crohn's. . .common to crohn's patients. . ." I'm tired of hearing this. I'm afraid of hearing more of it.
i'm just plain tired. Tired of driving to doctors appointments, taking notes, getting blood work, waiting for prescriptions, faxing results, getting doctors to communicate. I'm tired of being proactive, researching, asking questions, and trying to stay positive. I'm tired of people telling me how strong I am.
Thanks for listening.