I've also heard that the arthritis shouldn't be flaring if the Crohn's is under control, but that hasn't been the case for me. My Crohn's is in remission but I've been in a constant arthritis flare for almost two years now. There are a lot of other meds that a rheumy can try...sulfasalazine, salsalate, methotrexate, plaquenil, leflunomide, just to name some of the ones we've tried. I will warn you that a lot of these can aggrevate your stomach, so it takes trial and error to find something that works. The only thing that worked for me caused my liver enzymes to elevate and I had to stop it. We are now in the process of trying to get my GI to agree to stopping Humira and switching to Enbrel (which does nothing for Crohn's) just because we have exhausted all other options and we're to the point that I will end up in a wheelchair in the next year or so if it continues to progress as is has been (and I'm 29).