I agree, I go anywhere from 2-6 times in am(hopfully)I don't like it when I don't go at least 3 times, I've noticed that if I don't get rid of the night before bile(mind is dark) I get really bad acid reflux, and really uncomfortable, and can also set myself up for a huge cramping session if I eat without getting rid of that bile. as solid a bm for me is like cow pie, pretty much, sorry for the graphic details. But it's really important to tell your gi what bm looks like. You know I've had this DD for 40 years, and I accepted alot of horrible things that I;ve been subjected to as far as bm's in public, gas in public, etc. I'm burned Out, it's taken 40 years to do it, but I'm really just fried. tired of my stomach reminding me that cd is still with me. Now I've got this arthritis thing and muscle soreness, when my gut is tolaerable all the other stuff is funky. We have to eat to live not live to eat. sorry about vent. bad mood, sorry again.