This subject is one that you are always walking a fine line with. It is very important to educate those around us about
the disease but it is more important to do it in a proper manner. All too often Crohnies are not taken seriously because we normally do not show our disease on the outside. We all quickly learn to be great actors and know how to hide much of the pain and nausea. This is not always a bad thing but it does make it difficult for some to really understand our plight.
We should never be ashamed of our disease or the fact that we have to buy multiple medications. It is hard to emotionally handle this disease and most of us are always worried about
coming across as a hyperchondriac to others. In my personal opinion, I feel that we should tailor each discussion about
our disease to the individual that we are speaking to. As most had stated, I would never share the same information with a stranger or co worker that I would share with my wife or immediate family member. I also see no need to share the gory details with anyone besides medical professionals that are assisting us and your spouse or caretaker. Eventually as people are around you more and are desensitized to the situation, they may ask questions and then I believe it would be appropriate to get a little more in depth with my explaination. I just do not feel that there is any reason to advertise my disease and what I am going through. By being too
open, we sometimes lose credibility with people or intimidate them so that they are afraid to be around us. We are so desensitized to the disease and the subject that almost nothing phases us but the majority of the public is not. I share a little info at a time with each individual that asks and will
openly answer questions if the conversation leads into that by the other individual.
Soiled Shorts, never be ashamed of who you are. You are a person that had Crohn's disease and that is not a black mark upon whom you are. You never asked for this disease but you have been given the trial of overcoming it. Do not see it as a flaw in your character or make-up, look at it as a strength. You are living with this disease and you have not quit. That alone puts you head and shoulders about
the majority of people on this earth. Everyone has their own burdens and obstacles in their lives and this is the one that has been placed before you. If someone were to look at you differently or look down upon you for being sick, they are the one that has the issue. You mentioned that you get embarrassed when you go into a pharmacy or vitamin shop because of the type of medication that you are buying. Just remember that everyone in the store is there because they need medication to overcome an illness of their own. As for the workers, they deal with this on a daily basis and should be glad that you are using their services. Remember, you are the consumer and you are the one that is feeding their families, paying their mortgages, and making their car payments. If it were not for you and your disease, they would be in a world of hurt. You are doing them a service.
Post Edited (tsitodawg) : 3/6/2011 1:29:29 AM (GMT-7)