Minnie, I hope this may help you. I am now probably one of the worst allergic person I know as it pertains to drugs. If there is a severe side effect, I can pretty much count on getting it. For that reason, I get very anxious when starting a new medication or restarting a medication. I was in the worst flare of my life with major active bleeding when I was first diagnosed with CD. I would almost classify it as hemorrhage as I lost 5 units of blood in a months time and still needed 2 more units less than 2 weeks later. Anyway, I was put on Humira. It saved my life and I didn't have any major side effects. about
a year of being on Humira, I started itching little and the Humira became ineffective so that was when I moved on to Cimzia. My point is that Humira saved my life and was one of the easiest drugs for me so I hope you can give it a try if this is what your Dr. is suggesting.
Take care!