Ides said...
Hey, at least this way decisions are mine and I have no one to argue the choices.
this is a very big plus. my grandma died of a massive stroke due to a fall. she had made it VERY clear that she did NOT want to be kept alive in that situation, but had never done the documents. my aunts and uncle were all set to keep her alive indefinitely, but my mom had one key advantage: she was there (also she had power of attorney and my grandpa knew grandma's wishes). she had to have them pull the plug before her siblings arrived, or they'd have started a court battle. she's a very,
very strong woman.
i'd say "I hope you get through everything in one piece," or "keep it together" but crohnies aren't terribly good at keeping all their bits attached! so I hope you make it through okay. we'll be here when you do!