Posted 4/21/2016 6:48 PM (GMT -5)
Been a long time since I have been on here. I have been doing quite well.
However, I have developed some awful hemorrhoids after constipation. I finally went to the doctor b/c I thought I may have fissures or even an abscess. That's how big and bad and painful!! anyways. saw the Nurse Practicianer. She prescribed suppositories that have steroid in them. They have helped quite a bit w/ the pain and they are smaller. I still have a small lump outside w/ some bulging. (sorry for tmi) anyways. I've been on them a week. I work and by the end of the day I am extremely tired. Achey. And wake up every night around 2am just feeling awful and a little nausea. able to go back to sleep and fine in the am. same thing this evening. after supper just want to go to bed. Is this from the steroid? I feel low energy all day. I have taken prednisone for flares before but it never makes me feel this way.
I am on Colazal. Have Crohns, through out the colon, into the retum.