Posted 9/28/2016 1:16 PM (GMT -5)
Ok, just had my follow up colonoscopy. GI tried in March, but had too much trouble so gave up. This time i was under much heavier sedation, he used a pediatric scope. He finally got through the resection site. The area is inflamed and there is active crohn's. Lots of scar tissue from the old resection. Afterwards he said to continue on Humera and wanted to add 60 days of entocort to help the inflammation.
here is my issue, two less common side effects are ankle/leg swelling and irregular heart beats. well, I already fight ankle swelling and I am just getting over a vist to the ER with an infection in my right calf from the collection of fluid. Also, I have A-Fib, while under control, i did have to have open heart surgery to fix it. I am having no symtoms from my crohn's, which is normal. I rarely have symtom but the desease just does it thing inside. And in fact after almost 15 years I have only been in "remission" for about 6 weeks after my first resection surgery.
so, I really dont want to take this medication. The GI says I will be fine and not to worry as he has plenty of others who take this with out any issues