Yes, your GI is definitely right in keeping you on Humira. It will help you be stable. Honestly, it's a 50/50 chance. With my first, I had a horrid flare. But after my second (he's now almost 9 months old), I've been extremely stable. I was on Remicade both times, but with my first I wasn't on a high enough dose (we didn't know it at the time), which contributed to my flare. I know it's hard and worrisome, but if you start flaring because of hormone changes, prednisone should help knock it back under control pretty quickly.
" /> But yes, being on Humira is definitely going to lower the risk of a postpartum flare. Also, I think getting on a birth control might help. A lot of the postpartum flare is your hormone changes, and birth control may help keep that stable, but that is just my opinion with zero actual medical basis lol.