Princess story on the news this morning upon flipping on the TV. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! Seriously!
I have a friend who said she grew up eating and gathering items from dumpsters, so I feel bad complaining about
my family. They weren't perfect, but they did provide the best they knew how. The part that gets me more than the lack of material stuff, was the lack of time they spent with us. My parents would put us in front of a tv, and go read or watch sports the entire day. I definitely think I could have gone further in life if I had more interested parents. That's all in the past though and I take responsibility for myself at this point.
iPoop is right though, people tend to lean on their parents if their parents have something to offer them. It's interesting. No matter how terrible they are as people, if they are helping financially, people stick around. I personally get nothing from mine, so cutting the cord wasn't too difficult. Sure, if they provided me something materially or emotionally, I would have likely thought twice about
going my own way, even if they weren't the best people in the world. The weird thing about
going off on your own is when you run into them. I saw my mom a while back, and she tried to have a conversation with me, and I had to squelch it right there. It's hard to tell someone you used to know that you no longer want anything to do with them, especially in person. When you see them, you tend to focus on the good, and feel bad. Telling them it's over repeatedly on email/phone is not that same as having them coming directly into your face and stating that they would like to make amends, and you saying you're not interested. It's not fun, but you have to do what's best for you.
That's really interesting that your dad's from PA. My family is from the northeast. My dad's enamored with all the alt right news lately too. it is bizarre. He still sends out email chains, like it's 1995. I wonder if anyone ever responds. I do maybe one out of 20, and my response is "this is stupid, stop sending it to me", or "you're aware that story is false and here's the evidence". He's just generally out of it and has no idea what's appropriate.
Another day of the grind... I am going to put on some of that Irish music, it's so uplifting. Dreary medieval church music, I don't think I am familiar with the genre. Perhaps I will check it out later.