Posted 12/14/2017 7:43 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Clo,
Sorry for the delay.
My bowel is fantastic. But I'm in extreme pain from vulvodynia. I'm depressed and feel terrible. All plans canceled. Basically in a ball on the couch for the last week, unable to wear pants, undies etc.
Struggling, yet again to get help.
As far as CRS:
I'd like to know if they would consider doing a LIFT or FLAP to repair chronic peri anal abscess/fistula which I['ve had for 15 months. Several I & D's, failed setons. Drains and setons are no longer options. Abx haven't touched the infection, which is why I'd like the LIFT. as I understand it removes the infected anal gland. Will your surgeon consider doing a LIFT for a crohns patient with remission in bowel (Im afraid to even type the "r" word for fear I'll jinx it).
I can forward all tests, but have an MRI on the 30th that will provide the best info.
Thank you Clo, You are an absolute gem.