Maybe it's the fall coming or maybe it's just life, but I am going down again...lots of financial stress, lots of trouble at home...prayer and music just won't lift this cloud
The hardest part is my daughter Katie. She cam home from school with a migraine Monday. Then her friend attempted suicide and ended up in the hospital. Katie was recently dx'd with depression and adhd and put on welbutrin twice a day (about 3 1/2 weeks ago). She came to me yesterday and said"Mom, I don't know what's going on...I am flunking my classes. I don't care about homework. I don't care if you take my phone and computer, cause all I want to do is sleep" and also she is feeling guilty about not seeing her friend's pain. My heart is breaking...I know teens get depressed but this is worse than I thought
How do I get her to do her homework without nagging, or bribing? How do I make her feel better? I tell her positive things about her and she says"mom, you're my mother, you have to say nice things"--lol! Kids are so on the ball.
I don't know how to help her, especially when all I can do is lie in bed and cry, what a great role model...I know she needs me to be there and I can't even do that...I feel helpless and hopeless and I know that phase will pass, it always does but what about her? How can I help
Thanks for letting me whine...I can handkle the pain, but why does she have to suffer so? Life seems so screwed do the buttheads just sail thru life and the sensitive ones have to feel so much pain?
No answers to those questions, I just wanted to blurt it out, get it out. Life sucks today.