Hi All. I just wanted to say hello and give an early "Happy Mother's Day" to everyone. I know I haven't been a big poster for a few months now, but I am still here and an active reader.
I still have the same issues going on, but they are very slowly starting to get better. I have 2 jobs and the 2nd one started to give me more hours this week, which will in turn help me to pay bills. about a month ago I had so much anxiety and was not able to pay attention to the stuff that needed to be done to work my way out of this mess. I made a very long list....starting with the hardest down. I am still working on the top 2...taking baby steps. But it feels good knowing that I am doing that.
Maggie, I'm glad to hear that you are feeling well. I have missed seeing your updates in Jamie's posts. I miss him quite a bit too, but have been keeping in touch a bit via e-mail. Karen, I'm sorry your "baby" has been sick. And "It's Genetic" I'm still trying to follow your advice you gave me a few months ago.
I hope everyone has a nice day tomorrow. I think I'm off in a few minutes to finish the majority of Stress #1 item on my list.
Love to you all!