Posted 6/11/2014 8:33 PM (GMT -5)
Haven't been on here in a while. Lots of other medical stuff going on. Past few days have been feeling pretty low again. Not sure why I keep going. So many problems to deal with, physically I'm falling apart. Major dental problems, GI issues (tests and surgery in several months), return of daily migraines, recent beginning of all over joint pains, chronic back pain, pinched nerve in my arm/neck, and of course, the anxiety and depression, feeling almost constantly tired/sleepy. I'm sorry to complain. Just feeling hopeless. And lost.
And friends talked me into taking another friend's cat, because he is too allergic to keep the cat. Now I have had this super friendly and social creature for about 5 days and I feel zero emotional attachment to him. He is sort of the "ideal" cat. 3 years old, very handsome, friendly--but not overbearing, cuddly at times, but not too needy. I just feel nothing. If my friend wanted him back, I would be happy. I feel like a horrible person. I had been debating getting another cat, my last one passed away at the beginning of March. It's not that I am not ready or that I'm still grieving the loss of my last cat. I just don't want a cat i guess. I said I would give it at least 2 weeks to see if a bond forms, so I'm trying to keep an open mind. It's hard. I wish I hadn't taken him. If I can't bond with him and need to give him up, I want to be sure he goes to a good home. He deserves it.
Have to admit that I am back in the position of feeling like this depression and the problems I'm having are not going to get better. People keep saying that I should feel some relief from the fact that it's not going to last forever, but I don't see how they can be certain it will get better. There's no proof, no guarantee. Sure, things have gotten better in the past, but that was then and this is now. Things are different. Found out yesterday I will spend 5 days at Mayo clinic in August for testing, etc to figure out a better plan of action for the GI surgery, etc. Feeling rather overwhelmed by everything.
Not sure what I am hoping to get out of posting this message. All I know is this current life is not worth it.