Posted 7/31/2014 7:40 PM (GMT -5)
Good Evening Everyone!
Thanks so much Jan, Thundercloud, Lisa, Sean, Myself, Karen & Rob!
Thanks so much everyone for thinking of me during this past week. It really means a lot to me and it meant so much to me to get that e-mail from Karen letting me know that she and others were worried about me I was so surprised and at the same time it felt really good, not one of those feelings I'm use to but definitely something that I needed.
I was really wasn't expecting to be in the hospital this long, I had a CSF Leak after the surgery and had to have another procedure done and then it seems like my body wasn't doing anything right.
I had to come today AMA (against medical advice) but I really had to come home, I wasn't planning on being gone for this long and didn't realize until this week that school starts next week and it was really hard on me emotionally being in the hospital alone and having a male nurse & male nurse tech at night, plus the male neurosurgeon and the surgeons under him and it was like my PTSD was in overdrive. I dealt with almost every flashback, nightmare and bad memory there was to have and just didn't feel safe. I've been wanting to leave for a few days now but kept trying my best to hang in there. My therapist had been talking me into staying everyday and we had been trying to work on different coping skills and I was trying my best to hang in there and work through things, but I really had to come home today.
I know I didn't make the best decision for my physical health because I didn't really wait until I was where the doctor felt I needed to be before I left but I felt like I was a moment away from being sent to the psych floor I didn't want to lose it too much in there when I have so much that needs to be done within the next week and once you go into the psych floor you cannot get out of there until they release you and that can sometimes be up to 2 weeks or so. I'm kind of afraid of that, so I just really wanted to be in my bed tonight. I'm in pain and feel emotionally all over the place, but I feel safe I'm not sure if that even makes any sense.
I'm still a little groggy from the morphine but I wanted to check in as soon as possible and to thank everyone again for thinking of me an for all of your support. It means a lot to me and it has helped me a lot.
Thanks again!