lesweet1971 said...
You CAN do this & you WILL! We will support you every step of the way.
My best friend has Fibro & let me tell you, once her depression got managed (she uses anti depressants, therapy & Baclofen), her Fibro almost has been put in remission! She was using a cane 3 summers ago & now she does yoga!
All I heard for a solid year & a half was "Fibro & flare" from her. It was so hard to hear this & not be able to do anything. She started seeing a psychiatrist and he's actually the one treating her Fibro!
There IS hope, I promise! Even though I don't have it, I know it's debilitating physically & emotionally.
Karen (Gettingby) has Fibro & chronic fatigue & she's been able to get it stabilized, my friend has- so can you. It's hard to see that right now but I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel.
There is a website & face book page my friend found comfort in. It's called butyoudontlooksick.com
Wishing you much peace & healing-
I'm so happy for your friend! I'm trying to be more of a positive person, but I tend to fear failure and getting my hopes up. It is comforting knowing I'm not the only one feeling this way. Thank you for sharing your friend's story and also understanding :)