Hi and welcome to the forum.
From what I can see your relationship is okay but ******Your mental health issue is affecting your relationship. So in fixing your situation it's your mental health problems that you ***[might consider making it a priority] to deal with. Therapy **[for some people is] the most ideal one to choose. ***You may even ask your BF if couple counceling might be something he would be interested in.
Relationships are hard and to add mental health issues in the mix only makes it harder. What makes it easy and enjoyable is trust, affection, and love. You shouldn't give up because you***[have this diagnosis]. Remember that you still have your heart. And when our brain fails to make sense our hearts won't let us down. It's not too late, work it out.
I edited your post, there violations of rule no. 3 it in. As follow member we try to be supportive without condemnation. No one here calls each other out, we know what we are. We do not judge.
Kindly and gently offering alternatives to current behavior is certainly allowed, but it is NOT the only skill, solution or method of treatment that might work for that person.
We appreciate your time and concern here at HW. Please just pull the reins in some and offer your experiences as gifts instead of absolutes.
Trina Post Edited By Moderator (BnotAfraid) : 11/30/2015 10:27:43 AM (GMT-7)