Posted 5/12/2016 9:32 AM (GMT -5)
Grief is a strange thing.
You can grieve at first for the loss of the mother you knew good or bad, she was what she was and you loved her.
Then a weird thing happens, you might go into a fog and wonder what is happening for a while.
All of sudden at some point you realize, ha! I am grieving for the mother I never had!
This means for me, the mother that never: hugged me, gave me cookies and milk after school, met me at grammer school even though she didn't work, oh the list goes on.
However, this is NOT bashing your parent. They really try for the most part to do the best they can with the knowledge they have/had.
That does not mean that you innately didn't know what you needed. So know you may grieve of that need.
If your journal, try free writing or writing a list of what you would have liked from your mother, that you did not receive. This may free up some emotions that you can deal with, process and put to bed.
I hope this helped, use your coping skills and keep ice near by when doing the writing/list to hold. The ice will stop a panic attack.
Peace and strength