Hi PLL; welcome to Healing Well. I'm sorry for the anguish and uncertainty you are dealing with.
Is this your first year of university? Some people find they have to
change to a different one after there first year. Do you suppose that
might help?
I think it's a shame that your school doesn't have a councillor, but
you may benefit from seeing a private councillor. I would deffinetly
give strong consideration to discussing this with your parents. Do you have a good relationship with your folks? If you have a healthy
open relationship with your family then I would discuss this with them. They may have health insurance that would cover the cost of
private councilling.
Also, have you considered some of the questions that Tim Tam has posed? ie : do you have any idea what you might do if you leave
the school? Could it be that you are missing the life you had before
starting university , such as your group of high-school friends, or
perhaps you may feel that you chose the wrong studies? If the later
is the case, I think you can switch courses without losing credits during your first ( and maybe second ) year.
I think you should continue to find the answer to your question.
I encourage you to get as much feedback as you can before you make the decision to leave the university. I will go as far as to
suggest that you keep studying until you know of a better plan for your future happiness.That may include studying at a different university.
I applaud you for seeking answers. That is a great start
Feel completely free to continue writing in with your thoughts and
questions. I'm sure you realize that the choices you make now will
play a big part in what you can do in the future.
With kind regards,