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Adult daughter depression
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Depressed mom
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Joined : Aug 2018
Posts : 2
Posted 8/20/2018 8:24 AM (GMT -5)
My daughter has had issues with depression and anxiety for over 20 years. She is currently having a relapse and trying to get meds adjusted. Work stress was the trigger this time. She can’t go back to that situation but needs insurance. Help.
getting by
Forum Moderator
Joined : Sep 2007
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Posted 8/20/2018 8:31 AM (GMT -5)
Maybe she can find a different job. Stress can cause many illnesses. Can she get a leave of absence or vacation to get some time off of work?
Change often helps in these situations. Would she be willing to change jobs?
I am sorry you are going through this. It really stinks watching loved ones suffer. I hope that things get better soon. I hope that the med adjustment helps. I think some time off would help. I know she doesn't want to lose insurance. Is there another position she could do at this job?
Take care DM. Welcome to the depression forum. I hope that things get better.
Hugs, Karen...
Depressed mom
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Posted 8/20/2018 9:26 AM (GMT -5)
Thank you. She has been on FMLA and seeing her psych and counselor weekly. She has been at this company 13 years and is just fed up with no support from her boss. She took a management position about
a year and a half ago and I don’t think it was the best decision. She has overcome this before and didn’t give up. She struggled but received 2 associates, a bachelors and a masters. I pray she can overcome this again. Her husband graduates in 2 years and she was trying to hang on for that. But, she said due to her health she can’t. I’m am getting depressed because it seems everything I say and do is the wrong thing and I don’t know how to help her.
getting by
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Joined : Sep 2007
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Posted 8/20/2018 10:12 AM (GMT -5)
Sometimes there is nothing we can do to help. Sometimes they have to work things out for themselves. Know that you have done the very best that you can. Have faith...
Sounds like your daughter has done a lot for herself actually. Getting all the degrees and furthering herself in her job. Too bad it is stressful for her. I am glad she is going to counseling and seeing a psychiatrist. I do both myself. Not as often though. I would just try to take it one day at a time now and see how things work out.
Try to relax. Like I said, you have done the best that you could. Now to take care of you. Maybe step back from the situation a little and do some thing nice for yourself. Maybe you and her can do something together fun. If not, even a nice relaxing bath is good. Or some meditation.
I hope your daughter finds a way to cope with the stress or else finds something less stressful. I really hope that you do some things for you. Maybe some therapy or some type of support would help you. We all get depressed. There is never anything wrong with seeking out some help. It doesn't make a person weak or anything. I know you are probably trying to stay strong for your daughter.
Hang in there DM. Keep posting, it helps.
Hugs, Karen...
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Posts : 338
Posted 8/20/2018 10:21 AM (GMT -5)
Depressed Mom, I know how hard it is to see someone you love hurt so much. To see them change in front of your very eyes as it gets worse. In a way it feels like it's not like you child at all. That a clone with bits of his personality is there, but not your real child. I know this because each time I said goodbye to my son as he was flying out for another tour in Afghanistan or Iraq or... he came back in a little more pain, much more withdrawn and not who left in the first place.
Our children are our heart so let yourself grieve because you're missing who your daughter was, or because you can't actually do much to help. Because, ultimately it's really up to her. The good news is she will probably get better. Better meds, and getting away from what is causing her so much trouble can be miracles. Your being involved and supporting her is really doing more than you would think. She might not show it but it is.
As far as financial matters and insurance goes has she checked to see if she'd qualify for medicaid? It's a low income program and with no job I'd expect her to be low income. Also, there are places that treat a person and charge on an income basis. There are also places to get help with meds if they are the expensive ones. I was able to get trintellix free even with income coming in. Most of the more expensive brands have a program of some sort.
I wish you and your daughter well. If you need to talk to someone who deals with the same issue I'm just a click away. Take care and don't forget about
yourself in all this. You are important, too.
New Member
Joined : Aug 2018
Posts : 13
Posted 8/20/2018 10:56 AM (GMT -5)
Hang in there my friend and I pray that your daughter
get the help that she needs and I pray that you get a peace
of mind and a calm spirit to know that your daughter situation
will get better with the right medication and financial help.
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