Hello, All. I just wanted to say hello too. I've been home as well. I was laid off from my job about
a month ago. Luckily, I have had my second job (i teach english online to students in china) to fall back upon. A decrease in pay is certainly better than nothing is what I've been telling myself
I am lucky that I am healthy. I moved on December 1 to a small apartment in a city (about
23 miles away) from the condo I had been renting for over 9 years in the country. It has been a really big adjustment, but financially it was a necessary decision and I am so glad I did it. It will give me the opportunity to turn things around for myself, once it is safe for all of us to resume our lives.
I think it is wonderful to see so many people helping others, whether it being Mike volunteering at the farm, or Trina (with Karen helping to cut) and others making masks. I have actually noticed that even though it is from a distance, people actually seem to be nice to each other when out. I hope this is something that continues when we get to a new normal.