Warrior sister checking in
Finished my 2nd week and starting to feel more confident. My co-worker is the old me. He comes in early and stays late. He wants to be the go to person. He barely lets me do a thing. But he is kind and is
open to my questions and is understanding that its all new to me.
I became more aggressive today- just telling him I'll take care of this or that. Only because the day is long with nothing to do and the more I expose myself to things the faster I'll learn.
I have no interest in being the go to person again. I am honestly exhausted at the end of the day and I'm glad to go home. Knowing tomorrow is the weekend feels good.
It is good to have some normalcy back in my life.
I do think of my son on my commutes which are short- but all day my mind is occupied.
Wishing everyone my best!