Posted 2/20/2021 10:09 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Goldengirl,
While I don't have anything 'complicated' I have been very frustrated lately. I changed insurance so I could get dentures...but also had to leave the doctor I'd been seeing for years (finally had him 'trained' lol) and the new doctor ordered a bunch of tests. Mamo, okay. Bone density, okay. Colonoscopy, umm, okay, yeah, sure. Ultrasound to screen for AAA, yep, sure! Call to schedule colonoscopy...they don't take my insurance. Bone density...they call me to tell me doc didn't use the right code so it's not authorized. At least I got the mamo done (all good by the way) and ultrasound (also all good). Just so irritating!!
That being adult daughter went through the medical wringer getting diagnosed with a rare disease...Cushing's Disease...caused by a pituitary tumor. So many doctors only focus on one or two of the symptoms...diabetes and weight gain/obesity...but are unwilling to search for the cause. Meanwhile, these patients experience hair loss, acne, muscle wasting (the heart is a muscle!), bone thinning, connective tissue problems, insomnia, depression, reproductive problems and more! She finally got her diagnosis and had her surgery and now we're fighting once again for testing of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency, which is common in people that have had surgery or injury to the pituitary gland. They're still so focused on her weight and diabetes!! The thing medication will help if it's stemming from the GLANDS!! She'll go 'off grid' for a exhausted from the battle for proper care. She'll get her strength back and get 'back in the ring' for another round with the doctors eventually. Hugs to you!