I am having a very hard time. I am not doing so well in school now. My mom moved out of the house. My parents have been married for 20 years. I also moved out of the house, into an apartment with a friend who has a 3 year old and a newborn. So, I am not sleeping so well. I dont have time to study. It seems as though it is my life and I can choose what to do with my time. But, emotionally, I have to be there for my friend and her kids. So, I babysit a lot and help out with the kids. Basically, it is as if I have 2 kids of my own. And a place of my own and trying to go to college.
My class grades are suffering. I am down to a D and C's. I have so much outside stress pounding down on me now I am not sure when it will all finally hit me, but I feel like it is about to hit me really hard and hurt me really bad. I feel like I am a ticking time bomb. I feel like everything is building up and it is just going to hit me when I am not expecting it and knock me down hard. I can feel it happening.
Im not sure what to do... I am not seeing my therapist as much. I dont suppose she knows how things are going and that I need to be seeing her more often now. I had to speak with the director of the student disability support office about all of this. I also have to talk to my advisor at school in the morning. I am trying to spend more time working on school stuff and get my grades up. I need to get my priorities in order, but it is difficult with the kids and my friend, but this is what i have chosen. And I have to continue doing school stuff because I plan on graduating on time, maybe early... and so I can get my degree and get a decent job and so I can start working on my Masters degree as soon as I finish with my bachelors. I want to do them back to back... so I can get done and be able to do more of what I want with more education. Education to me is a continuing process and I plan to learn as much as possible.
I am so overwhelmed and stressed out about home and school and everything. What can I do?? What do I need to do... or should I just talk to my therapist or someone... Im so lost and confused.. I guess thats how I would explain it.. I just dont know what to do.. and Im not sure if I should contact my nurse or doctor about meds or what... I just have no idea what to do at all.
Any suggestions or help?? please.