Hello ......
I am likely older than your parents - BUT, I did go thru very similar frustrations when I was 18.
Upon going to college, I had no idea of what I really WANTED to do. My Mother pushed me into "go to work where your father works" OR "you're good in math - go into math"!!!
I meshed around with Engineering for two semesters and Architecture for one semester - before I dropped out of college. I wanted to go into music - even though I had some - but little background in it.
I went to work in a factory for a year to save money, and continued taking guitar lessons - then bought a piano .... all while living at home. I never got one word of encouragement from any adult (except for one aunt)!
I somewhat stubbornly continued by goi9ng back to college - this time with a major in Music Ed ... thenchanging to Music Theory and Composition. I did pay for those years of college myself by working summers in that factory - and year around with giving guitar lessons.
The bottom line though is that music is such an incredibly competitive field, it is so tough to make any kind of living with it .... unless it's with teaching. I had to make that realization after spending many years searching and hoping. I did ultimately get a B.A. degree in Music Theory and Comp. - but after college, I made little money with it.
I did have to find another field to get into. It cost me time and money - BUT, at least I explored my DREAM!
You do have some decisions to make soon. It would be nice if your parents could be behind your decisions - but they don't have to be in order for you to try.
As a moral to the above story ..... I am glad that I tried to go after my dream. It didn't work, but the journey was fun. I didn't harm anyone with the journey or decision. And ..... I didn't spend the rest of my life regretting that I hadn't tried it!
Think about it.
Rob & Gizmo