Posted 7/10/2016 9:43 PM (GMT -5)
Been a crazy couple of days. My partner had a gas leak in the pipe coming from the street, through the yard, to the house. The gas company was in the neighborhood, replacing meters and noticed the line of dead grass in the lawn. Apparently, the leaking pipe was causing it and they knew just by looking! They brought the truck with the 'sniffer' apparatus on it and sure enough, the whole pipe needed to be replaced, not just the meter!
So, one of the workers goes up in the attic and his feet find the narrow 10 inch spot where there is no plywood for floor! Right through the living room ceiling! 3 ft x 4 ft hole!
I spent 2 days replacing the drywall and spackling, but it's been rainy here and the spackle was taking longer to dry. I'll have to go back up next weekend to finish it all. Of course, once I was there doing the repair, they (my partner and her mom) showed me other spots of ceilings in other rooms that needed some attention! I'm happy to help.
The garden is doing really well since we've had rain at least one day each week. We've been enjoying the sugar snap peas and I have tomatoes forming and cucumbers already about 4 inches long!
The flowers are wonderful this year! Tons of day lilies that my neighbors are eager to get divisions of next spring (or maybe this fall). Now that I know the trumpet vine blooms at the tips of the new growth and have stopped pruning it at the wrong time, it is simply covered with blossoms! My battle with the wild and cultivated morning glories continues, but I am so happy with everything this year, it's not such a downer to have to hunt them out and pull them off of the other plants! Some of the sunflowers are 8 ft tall! The mimosa tree is perfuming the whole end of the block! Some of my neighbors come by every day to see what else has started blooming. One even calls it the local 'botanical gardens'! I am pleased.
Sorry this is so long...I've been so busy lately. Hope everyone is doing well!