Hello Bnotafraid,Karen, Jamie, Pitmom, Myself 09, Trina, Peter,
NCOT, F-27 , PA , and everyone ...
It is nice to be back in the comfort of the fold. I will gradually catch up on how everyone is doing.
I had a good day today, and the storm we were supposed to get
missed us completely. Victory !!
My furry friend Lupin and I had an " experience " yesterday....
She has been getting caught up on fabrics with her claws lately and
I decided to try and help her situation out by trimming her nails.
She growled at me the whole time I did one of her paws ( tedious
to make sure I don't take too much off ) , and then I decided one
paw would suffice for the day.
She jumped down and went to the bedroom to get away from me
and to show her disapproval of my behaviour
. My bedroom is
( unfortunately ) carpeted so I was surprised when she returned to me after about
ten minutes and was VERY affectionate and full of
purrs. I suspect a smile lit up on my face because I'm quite sure she
discovered that I had helped her by doing the clipping.
I haven't attempted to clip anouther paw full of claws yet, but I
suspect it will be much less dramatic than the first time, because I
really believe she knows I am helping her!
When she's happy, I'm happy
Cheers and all the best,
Derwood ( and Lupin )