Posted 8/17/2017 12:26 PM (GMT -5)
You asked "How do you do it?", so I will answer as tactfully as I can.
I have a history of alcoholism. One of the founders of A.A. also suffered from paralyzing depression. The other founder was a steady church goer, but didn't quite grasp how to have a personal relationship with the Higher Power he most identified with.
The principles that helped me get and help me stay sober have been very helpful with the other areas and malady I suffer from. In fact, the literature says that they believed their 'way of living' could have benefits for all.
In a nutshell it boils down to "Trust God (whatever your conception of a Higher Power is), clean house (emotionally or literally), help others." In practice I've found that the meetings (and the universe) run just fine without me although my input is usually beneficial, emotional housecleaning is just as important as actual housecleaning, reducing clutter and chaos, doing away with things that don't serve my present life well, and looking outside of myself and my problems, realizing that there is always someone else worse off than me, keeping an attitude of gratitude for what I have.
I listen to uplifting music, I garden in the warm months and indoor garden in the cold months, I feed the birds through the winter, I offer a smile to everyone and hold doors for people, I listen when people need to 'vent' and only offer advice if asked (usually).
When my son was in Iraq, I mentally planned for the worst case scenario, his funeral. Some would say it was morbid but, I found it cathartic. Once I did it I felt prepared, at least in the action. I did the same when my daughter had surgery to remove a tumor on her pituitary gland. The 'what if's' have lost their power over me. My life experience has shown me that...people die, people divorce, children grow up and make their own decisions, pets cross the rainbow bridge, jobs come and go, and the earth keeps turning. I am NOT that powerful.
I hope you find something useful in all of this. Feel free to e-mail me for further discussion as the rules urge us not to discuss certain topics in the forum setting.