Woo-hoo about
the upward trending! :p
I enjoyed my antidepressant break as well, well at least for the couple of weeks. Like you I had more energy and could laugh more easily. Then I panicked and went back on the duloxetine, something I ended up regretting. I felt so groggy I couldn't function. I stopped it, but the good mood never came back. Instead I ended up in a bad depression and prone to constant anxiety attacks. I got out of the really, really bad patch, but I got tired of the ups and downs: every time I thought I was getting better, I would have a bad day and plunge into depressing thoughts again.
Long story short, I decided to go back on the duloxetine but at 30mg. I'm still groggy a lot of the time, and am not sure now how I functioned on 60mg for so long.
Stomach is still in ruins - chronic pain does indeed suck a lot