You certainly have plenty going on! Sending prayers for your son & the new grandbaby as well.
I have some ideas that may help you. First, make a grocery list of what you should be having. Be sure to include some special treats like sugar free popcicles, a can of peanuts, lots of eggs and some fresh veggies. And don't forget the sliced cheese for the microwave. I also like to include some deli turkey slices (the cheap ones in the meat case), diced ham, block motzarella or colby, sugar free yogurt, olive oil... all my special stuff that makes my low carb life delicious.
Walk away from the house for 5 to 10 minutes and then walk back. Look at the things that are growing and following nature's plans. Relax your mind before you go back into the fray. If you are feeling like you can't leave your son alone, remember that if he were in the hospital it would take at least 10 minutes for a nurse to answer his call light, right?
To lower your stress levels practice diaphramic breathing. Take a deep breath, using your tummy muscles, not raising your shoulders. Your abdomen should be moving out and in. Breathe deep, hold for a second and blow out through pursed lips. Do this slowly and gently for a minute or two. This lowers your stress, drops your blood pressure and raises the oxygen level in your blood, giving you more energy.
Remember we all care about
you and what you are going through. Come back often and we'll do what we can to help you.