Hi Sherri, welcome to the Forum! This "nothing white but cauliflower" is the same as a very low carbohydrate diet which cuts out or cuts down drastically the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. This means nothing made of sugar or flour, no potatoes, bread, pasta or rice. These foods are full of carbs which raise blood sugar a lot and also puts on weight, so these two conditions that diabetics want to avoid can be sort of be taken care of in one shot. If someone cuts down on carbs, they will most probably experience weight loss and lower blood sugar. Others use a diet with pairs up protein and carbs to control blood sugar better - The Insulin Resistant Diet - and this works for some people. On the 'nothing white' diet, we eat meat and vegetables, and cheese and eggs. Some root vegetables have a high glycemic value which can cause high blood sugar. Some people can eat vegetables like carrots because of their glycemic load (having fiber that makes it slowly digested) but others find carrots drive their blood sugar up. The bottom line is testing after you eat so you know what raises your blood sugar. That's it in a nutshell. And, yes, you can eat nuts, too!