Hi There and Welcome!
Firstly, does your son show any of these symptoms? Is there Type 1 Diabetes in your family?
Does he have 3 or more of these symptoms? Especially, 1., 3., 6., or 7.
1. Increased thirst and frequent urination. Excess sugar building up in your child's bloodstream pulls fluid from tissues.
2. Extreme hunger.
3. Weight loss.
4. Unusual Fatigue.
5. Irritability or behavior changes.
6. Fruity-smelling breath.
7. Blurred vision.
8. Yeast infection.
There are other reasons for fainting and protein in the urine.
Here is a good site:
(Sorry, You will have to copy and paste.)
I was diagnosed in a small town back in 1961, when I was 3 years old. Things were less complicated back then.
All the Doc did was the Clinitest and it showed orange(Highest blood sugar). He also tested my urine for sweetness and smelled my breath. There you go diagnosed. He was right!
Best to you and your son.