Posted 8/5/2008 12:29 PM (GMT -5)
BRAIN SURGERY - I too had left temporal suregery, A left temporal anterior lobectomy. This was back in 1998. I just want to mention it could affect every one in different ways. I was not told all the FULL AFTER EFFECTS. I had severe pain, I had TOTAL LOSS OF MEMORY, and had to begin a new life over again. When I say total loss, I mean EVERYTHING. I didn't know who I or my family was, I could not read or write, I didnt even know what a pen was. The pain was severe!!!!!!!!!!!! me it felt like a migraine X 10!!!!...tylenol 3 did not help, so my doctor had to put me on tylenol 4!!!...I was in bed and all I did was sleep for 5 weeks.
I then had to do my re-learning of everything. I was 31 years old at the time of the surgery. My scar is around 9 inches.
I Still have many things I can't remember of my past, as well as long and short term memory. I can not work full time again, I had to go on disability, and "cash in" all my savings. I now live on a low income, and honestly, it isn't fun. It is bad enough to lose the memory, physical activities, etc.
Being only 31 at that time was even a bigger challenge.
It did
however fix the complex partial seizure.
I do have trouble communicating, learning, and many other things as a result. I still get pain from physical activities(running, lifing, tension, etc). Something I was not told about. I am limited to extreme light things.
I do get laughed at by the way I speak, or having the lack of knowledge, again, I should have been told the after effects.
It is a new life!!. What I am saying is to do what you feel is comfortable with. If you aren't 100% ready, then maybe ask more questions, or get another neurolgist/neurosurgeon to do an evaluation. Many doctors think differently.
I also have been told by a new neurolgist I see that my BRAIN SURGERY WAS NOT NECESSARY. There were new things created that could have done the same job or better. It is a form of surgery, but not removal of the brain. It is the isertion of some device that sits between the brain and skull...this will "obsobre" the unecessary electrical disturbance in the brain that causes seizures. (similar how lightening is obsorbed by certain poles or rubber.
I was also told that even though they removed 1 1/2 inchs of my left temple, I will probably have seizures return at one time. I was told that yes, they removed the "main part" of the situation, but things will redevelop over time. (kind of like removing a majority of the cancer, but the remains could probably be growing again because not all was removed.)
if all of the effected part of my brain was removed, then I would not be mentally alive today....known as a lobotomy.(or similar).
so I recommened that you take this seriously and find out all the information you can get. Surgeons have legal rights to not tell you ALL the things they do, and even lawyers can't get that information.(Unless a miracle happens.)....sometimes patients are not told the full details because it could cause mental issues that could have the seizures returned, or affect them in other mental ways.(fears, anxiety,etc).
Don't let the fears take control. Yes, you will be frightened, however the more you learn and the more conficent you are, the easier your decision will be, plus also your recovery. Like many people here said, things went great. Plus as you see, even though my situation was more challenging, I still am here, seizure free(complex partial - other seizures had developed,but under control), and try to enjoy the life I now see.