I am newly dianosed with seizures. I'm scared. But then, I think I should be. My son had Down's Syndrome and was severly disabled. He attended a special work program for young adults with disabilities. He had been diagnosed with complex partial seizures. On June 28, 2008, while at his work program he had a seizure and stopped breathing. The techs started CPR and the paramedics attempted to intubate him and initially couldn't. Long story short, he went too long without oxygen. He continued to seize for the better part of a week. He ended up with a tracheostomy. He got MRSA and pneumonia. He died on July 27, 2008. At that time, as far as I knew, his seizures were simply related to his disability.
about 4 months ago I began waking up with terrible migraine headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Then I started having off and on facial drooping on the right side. My doc freaked and thought I was having a stroke cuz the droopy thing happened in his office. MRI was normal and ruled out stroke. Over the next few weeks I developed other odd symptoms. I have periods where I stutter badly, say words that make no sense, get confused and unable to do simple tasks. More recently I've had episodes where I have difficulty walking. I saw a neurologist and she ordered an EEG. It showed seizure activity. She said I'm also seizing in my sleep. I live alone. 2 weeks ago I woke up and rolled over to discover I had been incontinent in my sleep and I was dizzy and nauseated. Doc said I'd had a seizure. Doc started me on Lamictal. She said don't swim or bathe with no one around. I asked about driving. She said she wasn't going to report me to anyone.
The man I'm seeing works in psychiatry and I do too. He thought it was "anxiety attacks" at first and told the neurologist that. He says over the 4 years we've dated, I have zoned out while talking with him. I forget things he has told me and will argue that he didn't tell me. He says I accuse him of saying things and making sounds that he didn't make. He said I've made odd facial expressions at him then denied doing it. All of these things have resulted in some major arguments in the past. He has also laughed at me when I've had trouble talking. All the arguments, denials, and "anxiety" accusations have just made me feel crazy. Tonight he finally said seizures make sense. DUH!
I'm a nurse and work in the psychiatric field. My co-workers are so-so with all of this. Some of them laugh at me when strange things happen. Some act like they don't believe it's real. My supervisor is convinced that the medication is causing the symptoms and he has outright laughed at me when I've had the speech issues in front of him.
Sorry about writing so much and sounding like I'm whining, but I'm scared and frustrated. I feel no one understands what I'm going through and why I would be so scared. I feel like the more I try to explain the crazier it makes me look and sound. Anyone have any suggestions of how to handle some of this? Anyone else have these kinds of seizure symptoms? I could use some support from someone that understands. My email is L8RMYG8R@gmail.com please feel free to email. Thanks so much!