Posted 1/2/2022 7:26 AM (GMT -5)
Hi there Ribboninthesky, I have a lot of understanding about my own epilepsy, it’s burdensome, it’s unpredictable, and yes it makes me angry, and depressed, the knowledge I have gained since being diagnosed with epilepsy in 2005, has given me a great understanding of how to deal with it, and most importantly of all manage your meds, for my self I have fallen asleep on my chair for few hours, through dealing with my own physical disabilities of neuropathy in my legs, (damaged nerves through chemo) and an insufficiency back fracture, it’s a stress fracture meaning it’s a bit like deformed plastic, in my lower spine, and stenosis and damaged discs L3 and 4, I get tired during the day, and sleep on my chair as pain can zap me of energy, I can miss my meds and usually the warning hit me, and a few hours later oh here we go, the convulsions the shakes, the growling and snorting noises, this lasts all of 30 seconds, I get over it then I am shattered because I have taken my meds, prior, I sleep again, as the seizures have been constant over the years, reviews of meds and consultations ugh, I have been a pain in the rear to my consultation and neurologist, just by saying in a cool calm way how you feel, and what is wrong, can you help, I hate doing it but I know it must be done.
As for people hurting you and making nasty comments, that’s easy to deal with, walk away from the situation, unlink and walk out, go for a coffee in a café, you are not crazy it’s not your fault you have epilepsy, let me say to you it’s wasn’t my fault I had cancer and had the chemo and radiotherapy, to kill it, I fought it got rid of it, but the treatments have left me disabled, angry yes hurt yes, accepting it and dealing with it, I have no choice.
I am 58 years old I was and still in love with my partner, he died of a sepsis related heart attack in hospital, my loss and dealing with cancer happened in 2017, I was with my partner 31 years, that’s a long time to be in a relationship.
So you see what I am hinting at my friend, accepting it dealing with it, is the best way forward, it takes working at, but it’s worth it, truly it’s a breath of fresh air.
My own sister had verbally abused me because I had cancer, I had had it with her when she demanded money out of my inheritance, so after sorting out my will, the solicitor made my sister, estranged at law, meaning she divorced me from her, legally.
Keep nagging at your neurologist or doctor, try to make them understand your self.
I do hope this can provide you with hints, don’t be afraid to walk away from unpleasant people and situations, you don’t have to explain why, all the best to you Growler