I always have a problem with motivation but I don't give in to it. I can be sitting and thinking about what I need to get done but I won't budge. That's why I make a goal for the day. Just a little one. Even then I sometimes have to say, "At the count of three, I'm getting up and get started." Then I do it. I usually feel better at accomplishing something...even a small something...and I sometimes will do a little more and then I'm done for the day.
When you are older like we are, it's really easy to procrastinate because we don't have to answer to anyone but ourselves. That's a problem, though because we feel badly that we didn't do anything. Is this making any sense, Marlee? I'm babbling like Kelly!
Anyway, try making a goal for your day. Do it the night before and then stick with it. Only do a little goal at first to see how your fatigue and pain are. If you get that done, start something else. If you get tired and don't want to finish it, then that's your goal for tomorrow.
Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm a perfectionist like you are and I've had to let go of a lot of things. My home is not as clean as I used to be able to keep it but it looks far better than some of my healthy friends' homes. Plus, no one has called out the Board of Health yet!
The weather is heading south in your area so, if I were you, my goals would be to do things outdoors...even fun things. The house stuff will be there and you have all winter to work on that.