Hi Tricia,
I have that random, floating around pain right now. It'll settle in my ankles, then 10 minutes later it's in my knees, then it'll move to my shoulders, then my elbows. It's SO frustrating. I do have arthritis in my neck, and lower back. So my fibro pain mixed with the arthritis (and now possibly Myofascial Pain Syndrome) and my lupus, I'm a trainwreck!!! Could I BEEEEE in any more pain!! Sheesh....
To answer your question about the arthritis - yes. I don't have redness or swelling in my neck or lower back. Yet I have definitive, absolute xray proof of osteoarthritis in both locations. It's rated moderate to severe as well.
Just remember, that if this is just Fibromyalgia you have, your joints won't have inflammation in them. Fibro isn't an inflammatory disorder. What you're actually feeling is the pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments that surround each joint. Not actually in the joint itself.
Arthritis will show up with inflammation or degeneration in the joint.
Both conditions will feel the same, but they're actually quite different and treated differently.
Hope you have a pain-free day! (I'm trying, but nothing is working