You don't ever need to apologize for asking for help or wanting advice. Good Lord, have you seen some of the stuff I've posted?
LOL It does sound like you might be having anxiety. Until last year, I had never had any type of real anxiety. Now, sometimes I feel like a crazy woman. BTW-I've always been a little bit nutty, but I thought it was just part of my charm.
The one good thing about coming here is that we do know how you feel. OMG, if I hear one more person (without fibro) that says, "I know exactly how you feel", I'll scream!
And, even though we all have fibro, we all handle it differently. We all handle stress differently, too. Some of us freak out (pointing to myself
), some of us do deep breathing, some pray, etc. You just need to find what works for you. If you need to post something, go ahead. No one should ever judge you because of how you feel.
BTW-are you being treated (like, are you getting meds, etc) for lupus? Like you, I've had 2 different low positive ANAs, but my rheumy was just treating me for fibro. I wonder if I started getting meds if I'd feel better. Just a random thought. LOL-I've got lots of them.
Anyway, I hope you are feeling better.