Rache, I agree with you. I was finally diagnosed in Feb this year, but my pain and stiffness began in the 70's. The last few years it has worsened which is why I finally went to the doctor with my list of complaints. I use to be able to do so much without tiring. Now I have days when I don't feel like doing anything. I still try to be very active-work-outs, walks, yoga, etc, but it is harder to do. My hips and shoulders hurt most of the time now. Sitting really hurts me. That just started in the last few years. The one good thing is that I am now sleeping better than I have in the last 30 years-thanks to a mild anti-depressant before bed. This fibro may be non progressive but I wonder what I'm going to feel like in 10 years if it keeps going like it is now. Well enough of my whining
I'm going to make myself go to the gym in a little while.