Barb told me not to give up on Jayson just yet. That he was stressed from work and was going through something he may not even know what it was but was it showing with his anger. I told Jayson yesterday that we both knew what was coming and he said he would look for a place to stay the next day. I said I didnt think we could make things work and he said why not that it happens to ppl all the time. He gave me the idea that he wanted to try. I asked what about what he said the spark was gone and he said he hadnt thought about sex in weeks and that it was him that had the problem he was very stressed that he had the problem or at least part of it. He has to learn about fibro cause I cant take the demands made of me and I realize he feels trapped not being able to be with me on the days that are set for my surgery because there is noone to open the store and he is stuck. He feels like he cant control my health and it drives him crazy. Maybe it wont work maybe it will, I have to try. I just cant throw 9 years of marriage away when this behavour has just been recent and he did say its been different for 3 years but never said he wasnt happy till now. I now that I will be ok I have a place to go if needed. But I wont be run out of my apartment when he desides it time, I will however spend alot of time with my grandkids and maybe go see my brother not because he says to go but because I need to spend more time with family. Who knows what will happen but my daughter made me see how hard it is for him right now and didnt excuse his behavour(sp) and I told him yesterday what i thought of it too. Keep your fingers crossed that I end up happy one way or another.
HARA - Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, Asthma, Depression, Anxiety, GERD
I wish both of you the best and hope you and Jayson can work this out!
I still like what the old woman who had been married for 75 yrs said the secret to a long marriage is, "we never fell out of love at the same time".
I must have missed your post about having surgery, what are you having done???
luv and hugs
You are wise to pick your battles. If you want a bigger ring start saving your money for one. I wanted a bigger flat panel TV for our family room and it was not a neccessity so I saved all the change and $1.00 bills til I had enough for it. You would be surprised at how fast it adds up and you don't even miss the money.
I'm sorry your still getting so sick. But it is nice to read that you and Jay are trying to work things out.