Most of us here are also professionals. It's difficult to accept the diagnosis. I screamed at it to go away. My family yelled at the Dr's for more tests, and that I was not getting proper treatment. My husband yelled at the Dr's. He’s a professional too.
The Dr's. Thought I was depress and was put on all kinds of antidepressants. I'm in my 20's and use a Cain. It was embarrassing at first. Know I don't care what people think. It's my life and they don't pay my bills.
I work long hrs. too. 7 days a week. It's draining esp. under stressful conditions at work. I pleaded to God to give me strength to work, drive, and walk. I want to work and ask for God to help me get through each work day.
My rheumatologist cut off all my FM and myofacial meds. I have the remainders left. Afraid to run out. Its flexeril and vicodin I started in May. They want me on more antidepressants, and Meloxicam. The med's did make me gain weight, but I can work, drive and be active.
It took 5 or more yrs to get diagnosed, and then the rheumatologist tells me the cure to this. Eating right, and exercising. WOW> I was doing that for yrs until I could not stay on the elliptical glider at the gym with out falling off dizzy and out of breath. I don't eat badly. Fish, chicken, fruits, veggies, but I still have this illness. I used to exercise 4 times a week until the bad flare up that took me down. Haven't gotten my strength back. The good thing is I won't die from this illness, but it comes back with vengance and stays with new symptoms.
I'll end up in the ER soon again when the med's run out. I am at my wits end, so I requested another rheumatologist I can't even push a door open. I get lost going home. I cry out in pain. I come to this forum for support, b/c these people understand what I'm going through. I'm glad you are here as a Dr. to speak out about this illness.