Anxiety can be totally dibilitating and I'm sure you know that. If these are symptoms that you have had with anxiety, then stop worrying about them. The worrying is causing more anxiety. I know it's difficult, but just try to relax and realize that you aren't dying. It's anxiety.
I used to suffer terribly with anxiety, to the point I was afraid to move. At that time, Valium was the drug of choice and they had me on so much of that that it was starting to affect my personality. I stopped taking it and started facing anxiety head-on.
I knew the symptoms I would get. I would get all that you are mentioning and even more. When it would happen I would be so frightened that I was going to have a stroke or a heart attack. But, once I saw my doctor and knew that is was anxiety, I had to learn how to deal with it OR live in fear all my life. That, for me, wasn't an option.
When the symptoms would come on and my heart would start pounding, I'd tell myself that it was just anxiety and pretty much dismiss it and find something to focus on to forget about these symptoms. It took a little practice, but it worked. (I do the same with fibro symptoms.) If I started to hyperventilate, I'd put my hands over my nose and mouth and breathe into them and it would stop. Then I would get busy doing something else and not allow myself to think about anxiety. If I started, I would immediately shift to something else...perhaps thinking of a fun party I had been to, or some nice thoughts of my childhood and my family, etc. I think you have the picture. You have to remind yourself that anxiety is just fear. If you have nothing to fear, then don't allow it to do this to you. (I was checked out when my anxiety started to rule out real health problems and there were none!)
So, give it a try. Also, check out the scripture in my signature. It's my dealings with anxiety that had me put that there. Many with fibro suffer with anxiety, too. We aren't going to die from anxiety or from fibro so we need to relax about that. The stress that is being caused from anxiety is helping to flame your pain and cause you such misery. I hope you feel better soon.