Remember a couple months back I went on a job interview for the job I have now? The professor told me all about
the research she was doing then a few minutes later asked me which ones I found interesting. I could not remember a dang thing and sat there in a stupor for awhile until I said, "they all sound really interesting. It would be hard to decide!"
So . . . last week she and I were meeting about preparing irb materials for one of these studies. And I said, "oh, you mean the one where you are studying this and that among these and those people? And isn't it conducted in such and such a city - who is going to go there (far away) to conduct the research?" She looked at me and raised her eyebrows and said, "wow you have a good memory." and I looked back dumbfounded wondering "where in the heck did that come from?!!"
That is just like the time when I could think of no take out places when hubby asked me where I wanted to grab dinner. But a few seconds later he was being a dork and I said, "That is a little circuititous, isn't it?" Later, that is all I could think of: circuititious, circuititious circuititious. . .
Our brains are funny.