Hi, Julianis and Welcome to the family!
So glad that you have been reading the posts, many of us have started off that way. Then we realize so many others have this dd and we understand the frustration that others go thru. This is a good place to come to for info, venting, sharing and sometimes just plain silliness.
Most of us were perfectionists, and sometimes that is the biggest sting. We were so used to doing things in a certain period of time, knowing exactly where and when and how... and now, Not so much. lol. Many of us identified ourselves by our careers or passions, so when this slows us down, it hurts big time. The 'Fog' is terrible, I once had the greatest memory, now I get flattened by simple words that I used to know. I forget how to get places that I've gone to many, many times.
I put off leaving teaching until I just couldn't do it anymore. I pushed myself beyond the limit, because I was afraid to admit I couldn't keep up anymore. It is a blow to the ego. I still have times when I have to 're-accept' (if that is a word, lol) that I am still a smart woman, I don't have anything to prove to anyone else. Sometimes, we need ME time and we need to realize we aren't lazy or lax, we have a different set of circumstances and we need to do right by us now. Other ppl who have other DD are sometimes given more slack because they are 'real' diseases. We need to understand what we have is so very real, it is a lot to deal w/ on a daily basis. Others have to realize that, also. Do what you need to do to help yourself to live your life.
The best way to 'fight' this is to take good care of yorself. It doesn't mean crawling into a hole, but eating well, sleeping and resting well, doing exercises that you can handle, even if it is gentle stretching and walking.
This is a good place to come to get things 'out of your system'. Don't worry about the length of the post, sometimes you just need to get things out. I don't think anybody on this forum would think of you as anything but 'STRONG'. Fibro only seems to hit strong ppl, IMHO. We know how much it takes to get up everyday and live your life, and how much you give to live a 'normal' life.
If you haven't checked out Fibro 101 on the top of the page, pls do, there is so much good info that many members have shared and our Sherrine compiled it all in one spot to make it easier for us to find. Sherrine is a gem, as you may already know.
Pls let us know how you are doing, we do care - we are all in this thing together.
God bless. Alice.