Michelle...I pray the same for you, that tomorrow you can get up, go to church, do laundry, make dinner, etc.
please go easy on yourself! If you even do ONE of those things, you're making progress, right?
Believe me, I do understand, I've been in my pjs for two days myself. Christmas Day I couldn't stay awake long enough to take all of the pictures I wanted to of the kids unwrapping presents! I fell asleep on the couch....on Christmas Day! I hate fibro flares!!
But we have to remember that we are ill....we're not being lazy. And with this illness you have to take each day as it comes and just do the best you can with it. You have to learn to love yourself as you are now....not condemn yourself because you're not "getting things done". There's nothing wrong with wanting to do things, but remember, you may not have the energy to do
all of them....can you prioritize your to-do list?
For example, today I did laundry (with hubby's help) and made dinner. I feel good about
that. I also worked on bills....in my pjs, LOL! I didn't take the Christmas tree down, as I wanted to, nor did I put Matthew's fire truck together. Maybe I'll get around to those later tonight if I have the energy, or maybe tomorrow.
Which one of those things on your to-do list for tomorrow is the one you want to do MOST? Which is the second one on the list? Try to save up energy to do at least one or two of the things on your list.
You're in my thoughts and prayers,