Hi, NeedingHelp, and welcome! I'm really sorry that you are having a rough time. It's especially difficult when you have small children. My kids were 12, 9, and 8 when I was hit with fibro and were babies when I got Crohn's so I know it's not easy.
As Robin said, it is very important to keep moving with fibro. I know you sure don't feel like it, but it helps keep the muscles flexible and that will cause less pain. You could have fibro AND arthritis, too. I hope you are seeing a good rheumatologist that treats both illnesses. There are some good stretching exercises in Fibro 101. These you can even do sitting down. Then you should find a gentle exercise that you can do daily. I walk and swim for my exercises. I walk at least a half an hour every morning. Most morning I'd much rather vegetate than get moving but I know that, after my walk, I have less pain and also have some energy! I think it's because I'm getting the blood flowing and the oxygen is getting to my muscles.
You also need to pace yourself. I do what I always have done even though I have fibro BUT not in the same time frame. I will work a little, sit down and rest for a few minutes, and then work a little more. It will take you longer, but that work will be there when you are ready. Unfortunately the work doesn't disappear.
We have found that most of us are Type A personalities...perfectionists. You will need to try to relax on that, too, if you are a perfectionist. You will only cause yourself a lot of stress and that leads to more pain. You can only do what you are physically able to handle and then delegate the rest.
You need to find what works best for your pain. What works for one with fibro might not work for another so you just keep trying thing until you find what works for you. I use ibuprofen with food, extra strength Tylenol, malic acid/magnesium supplements and vitamin D3 supplements to help with my pain and fatigue. I do the exercising and I also get gentle massages that help me. Yes, I always have pain, but I'm in control of the pain and I'm also used to it, too, since I've had fibro for 23 years. So, take heart! You will find what works for you and we are here to help you!
You can have a wonderful life in spite of this illnesses. I know I have. I try to keep a positive outlook on things and look at all my blessing and don't look at the negative things in my life. I can't change my illnesses, I have to live with them, so I use my energy to count my blessings and that really does help me feel better and causes far less stress. I try to look forward to each new day with anticipation because I could have a good day. Fibro waxes and wanes so we will have our good periods and our bad periods. If the day turns out to be not so good, that's alright because I can deal with anything for this day. I take one day at a time and I never project myself in the future. None of us knows what the future holds. They could discover what is causing this illness and have a cure! We just don't know. So, try taking only one day at a time. Life is pretty terrific and your family will give you much joy!
I'm happy you are here and don't hesitate to ask questions. We are here to help you. I hope to hear more from you soon.