I am blessed well I think so anyhow.Now we had the house all to our selves the kids had all left home. We could do what we liked eat what we wanted etc.
Then our DD and SIL moved home to save for a house, this was wonderful because my DD and I are really close [best friends as she puts it]
Ok this has started to grow a bit old after18 months as they are both working I WAS doing all the washing. That is stopping as my right shoulder is too sore now.
Well one of our DS's is also moving home in a few weeks he brought a house with his intended bride but she has decided she wants to play the field so they are going to sell the house. Because of the cost of the repayments to the house is sold our DS can not afford to rent and make the house repayments so there goes the spare bedroom.
Ok so we have 3 bedrooms and they will be all full, it is just as well the kids get on so well.
My DH is telling friends he is going to lock all the doors so no one else can move home. He says this and laughs he loves having them all at home.
My big question to everyone is how do I make them do THEIR SHARE of the house work.
I left my DD's washing for a week then every time I wanted to wash she had washing in the machine. And meals are a pain because y SIL is a fussy eater [24years old]
I am not up to having to look after 3 adults who could be of a help to me not a worry and extra work.
Oh for the days when we could just open a can of soup or a sandwich for a meal.
The cost of food is another problem DH and I are on a limited income [he is my carer] I have had a few talks about putting more into the food budgit.
I know I should just relax and let them work it out but they seem to think Mum and Dad are there still to look after them but we both have health problems.
Fibro, CFS, IBS, Migraine