mamanan said...
Omgosh Anna, I've had snow vision and after images when I first got fibro! You can't imagine how excited I was to read this, I had never heard of anyone else having that either. It started suddenty with many floaters. Then came the after images.... some days I couldn't tell when looking at the horizon if I was seeing clouds or the after images of hills in the distance. I've only had the snow vision a couple times, it was freaky. Then came huge halos with night lights. If a car in front of me had a blinker on, half the car looked to me as if it was in a halo of light. My highbeams gave off airplane landing lights with the guardrails. I went to the doctor, my optometrist and a neurologist who all looked at me as if I was crazy. Thank you for posting this! I feel validated somehow. The after images stayed with me for about 6-8 mths I'm guessing. the halos probably about a year. Now they are back to just normal sized halos and not as intense. Oh, and when I tried to research all this, I came across an article on Wiki that had those symptoms, but linked to LSD damage years later. Now, I was a rebel in my teens, but not to that extent.
She, all that bring said, I agree with Sherrine. You don't want to mess around with your eyes. Or any new symptoms for that matter. Not everything is linked to fibro. Hopefully it just happens to be caused by your flare. We are so overly sensitive, so who knows? But you better get checked out if it concerns you at all.
Awww you have no idea what it means to me.
You're far from crazy.
It's all link to fibro. Also linked to hormones from what I understand.
There's a message board for visual snow:
There's some useful information there :)