Posted 1/11/2012 4:27 PM (GMT -5)
do they feel cold all the time?,, certain conditions make it worse,, I can tell you in my case it was about 2 years ago ,, if I walked acorss the blacktop driveway,, my feet would burn way out of proportion,, now its year round,, evenin winter, if i take teh dogs out,, and there can be snow on the ground,, my feet will feel like there buring,, I have been tested,, and found to have small fiber neuropathy,, this WILL NOT show up on a EMG, ,it can only be detected by a punch biopsy ,, a GP can do it if he has been trained,
I am thinking of writing a book on the medical community who abused me, didnt belive me and almost having me commited,, when if fact the evidence later on showed I was not imaging all this when bloodwork started to come back odd,, and I showed small fiber neuropathy after a biopsy,, but who would belive a person when they scream that water hurts,, you cant touch anything cold,, and how things just were falling apart,,