Hi, LadySage, and welcome! I'm sorry I'm late with the greeting but I have out of town company plus I'm going through a rough time myself. But, I'm glad you found us and joined in.
I've had fibro for 25 years and have had a full and enjoyable life in spite of it. You just have to try various things to see if they help you get in control of the pain. I use vitamin D3, malic acid/magnesium supplements and also a natural product called Curamin to help me. I add walking daily, gentle stretching exercises, moist heat, gentle massage, and pacing myself. All of othe combined help me be in control the the pain. Once you do that, your life will open up again. I know I've had some wonderful times in spite of fibro.
Be sure to read Fibro 101...the second thread on the forum. There are links to good info there and you wil learn a lot about this illness. There are links about vitamin D3 and also malic acid/magnesium supplements and how they work in your body.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.